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What happens during a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Session?

Your first session will start with a detailed consultation, including the issue, habit or desired outcomes you wish to work on. We will then work together to outline goals for therapy.

Each session will include talking about what you want to change and achieve, then we will commence hypnosis (trance). Some sessions may include tasks/homework which will help continue therapeutic change.

The most commonly asked question I receive is “what is hypnosis?” Below I have listed some information which I hope will help you understand.

  • Hypnosis is a completely natural state which feels amazing. We go into trance many times a day, examples are , daydreaming, driving a car, watching TV, out for a run.
  • It is a “state of focused attention.” You will be physically relaxed but mentally alert. You will be aware of your surroundings, your body and will be able to hear my voice.
  • Hypnosis is that bit before you fall asleep and when you are just about to wake, where you are aware but not totally “with it”.
  • You will not do anything in hypnosis you would not do in everyday normal life.
  • All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.
  • You can move, scratch, cough and talk and it will not bring you out of hypnosis.
  • Everyone experiences hypnosis at a different level (light/deep/somnambulist).
  • You will maintain appropriate control.
  • Once in hypnosis you will be open to suggestions and changes to the current ways of operating which are not serving you anymore. This is where the changes you want begin. While in trance your subconscious will accept more positive and beneficial ways to meet your needs which are safe, healthy, and designed to help you achieve your therapeutic goals.

What happens to the brain while in hypnosis and how does it work?

According to scientific research, your conscious mind makes up less than 10 percent of your total brain function. That means that the subconscious or unintentional aspect of your mind represents around 90% of your total brain function. Many people use the analogy of a computer screen when explaining the two minds, the conscious mind is seen as the computer screen (what you see) and the subconscious is everything else (the processes, storage, cloud, hard drive). The conscious mind evaluates information and makes judgements, it is then imprinted into the subconscious, this can either hinder or help us.

Therefore, 90% of all our processes and reactions happen at the subconscious level. The subconscious reactions occur automatically, and this area of the brain is involved with the storage of experiences and forms dreams and nightmares. In addition, negative attitudes and behaviours can develop in this part which can prevent people from achieving their goals.

Hypnotherapy addresses the subconscious mind, instead of just the conscious and so it may be more effective in creating therapeutic change faster. In fact, studies from the 1970’s found hypnosis to have a 93% success rate, with fewer sessions needed than both psychotherapy and behavioural therapy.

Research from Stanford University shows that hypnosis changes the way blood flows to different areas of the brain. There is decreased activity in the part of the brain called the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate, this part of the brain contributes to a person’s self-awareness, so less activity means less self-awareness which means the client is so absorbed that they are not worrying about anything else.

Furthermore, brain scans show that there is less connectivity during hypnosis between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the “default mode network.” The default mode network is involved in thinking about the self, the future and remembering the past. As such, this could let a person change a behaviour, as suggested by the therapist, without being self-conscious about it.

Finally, many people try to understand themselves on a conscious level and fail, because to really change or understand yourself you must know how your subconscious mind works and the limiting beliefs it may contain.


If you have any questions or would like to book a session please call or email me on : 

07933 199 546